Monday, August 5, 2013

Architecture and Space

Nietzsche's attention to Space is rare, primarily appearing in the Will to Power collection, usually as a neo-Kantian thesis, e. g. that Space is a necessary fiction.  One isolated and brief exception is in #545, where he proposes that "absolute space is the substratum of force: the latter limits and forms".  He does not further recognize that that proposition is familiarly confirmed by every construction of a building, i. e. which is force creating a space.  Likewise, his focus on the vertical dimension of Architecture, e. g. his interpretation of it, in #11 of the 'Expeditions' section of Twilight of the Idols, as a symbol of hierarchical relations, abstracts from the horizontal dimensions of a building, so he cannot appreciate that Architecture is fundamentally an Art of creating space.  Conceived as such, Architecture no longer symbolizes the privilege of the higher over the lower.  To the contrary--a roof is at the service of what is below it, i. e. it provides the latter with protection.

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