Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Will and Sympathy

'Sympathy' is typically spoken of as if it were a unitary feeling that forges a bond between two people. However, it is actually an experience that rapidly combines four distinct moments. First, one extends oneself towards another. Second, one comprehends their projected situation. Third, one emotionally reacts to that comprehension. Finally, one compares that emotion with that evinced by the other. Hence, Sympathy denotes not a feeling, but a similarity of feelings. Furthermore, it does not create a bond between two people, but is an expression of Will, i. e. of the original extending of oneself towards another. Accordingly, insofar as Morality is construed as consisting in the forging of interpersonal fellowship, and Sympathy is conceived to be the basis of that forging, Will is the foundation of Morality.

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