Saturday, April 7, 2018

Individuation, Diversification, Alienated Consciousness

According to most of a long tradition, which includes both Parmenides and Schopenhauer, that privileges Unity over Multiplicity, the latter is irreal in some respect.  However, Schopenhauer unwittingly exposes the inherent flaw in any such subordination.  For, in his system, Universal Will is real, the Individual is irreal, and the Individual is the product of the Principle of Individuation.  So, his unresolved, and, perhaps, unresolvable, dilemma is the status of the Principle, i. e. qua Principle it must be real, and, so its product must be as well.  Likewise, even if Multiplicity is illusory, the process of illusion-generating itself must be real, thereby requiring a divergence from the purported Unity.  Now, Organicism avoids this problem without lapsing into Atomism, by conceiving 'individuation' as diversification by the given Whole, thereby preserving the Unity, the Multiplicity, and the process of generating the latter from the former, the virtue of which is explained by Darwin.  Likewise, an Organic Consciousness avoids two types of Alienated Consciousness--one that suppresses the existence of a collective of which one is a member, the other that suppresses one's own existence.

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