Sunday, April 1, 2018

Alienated Consciousness and Private Property

Probably the most common example of the separation of one Human from another is in the context of private property.  Now, the acquisition of property occurs in two ways--staking a claim, and receiving a distribution.  But, receiving a distribution presupposes that what has been distributed has been the property of the distributor, which, in turn, presupposes an initial claim-staking.  So, all property originates in staking a claim.  Now, in itself, staking a claim is a contingent event.  Hence, it, and any subsequent distribution, is a matter of convention.  But, of course, over the centuries, the acquisition of property has been frequently buttressed by some transcendent principle--either 'Natural Right' or 'Divine Right'.  Thus, where either of these is a factor in an experience involving private property, one's awareness of the situation is an Alienated Consciousness.  In other words, the origin of this estrangement is not in the separation per se, but in the suppression of an actual process of dividing, by a purported pre-established division, e. g. the concept of private property that is entailed in the Invisible Hand distributive principle.

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