Sunday, April 23, 2017

Physicist Relativism, Empiricism, Atomism

Frame of Reference is a problematic concept for Modern Physics, since it is derivable from none of its basic elements and principles.  Rather, it is a heuristic intrusion of an observer into a system.  Nevertheless, it is instructive for empirical perception.  For, it helps show that Motion is neither a Primary not a Secondary Quality, but a Tertiary one, i. e. the resultant of Subjective and Objective interaction, not one or the other.  But, then it follows that Hume's concept of the Self as a Bundle of Perceptions is that Self is essentially related to other entities.  In other words, Physicist Relativism refutes Atomism.  Now, the Atomist can respond that the Motion of a Frame of Reference is independent of the perception of it, which is tantamount to affirming Social Atomism, while rejecting Empiricism, or, in other words, to affirming a variety of Leibnizian Monadism.  But, that affirmation groundlessly presupposes that the Motions of Frames of Reference are not themselves essentially interrelated, a fundamental flaw in Leibniz' version of Atomism.  So, the challenge posed to Atomism by Physicist Relativism stands.

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