Sunday, April 9, 2017

Consciousness and Psyche

The concept of Consciousness as the 'ghost in the machine' is that of it as the Psyche itself: the incorporeal source of life in an otherwise inert body.  Now, the main objection to that concept of Consciousness is that it, rather, only serves as a source of information for non-Conscious drives, and, hence, serves in the Psyche in a subordinate role.  Still, despite that opposition, each concept of the Psyche is Atomist.  In more radical contrast with both is what is sometimes called the Interactionist concept of the Psyche, according to which humans are essentially in relation to one another, linked by Communication, the termini of which are the Consciousnesses of those involved.  So, insofar as Consciousness functions to transmit or receive information that is vital to any member of the group, it serves in the Psyche in a subordinate capacity.  But, insofar as one seeks communication with another for its own sake, i. e. to enter into togetherness, Consciousness itself animates the behavior, and, is, thus, itself the Psyche.

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