Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Atomist Psychology and Gestalt Psychology

A fundamental feature of Kant's system is the Form-Matter distinction, e. g. his concept of the relation between Reason and Sensibility in Cognition.  So, since 'Gestalt' means 'Form', his concept of Cognition is a forerunner of what a few centuries latter has become known as Gestalt Psychology.  However, the latter has ignored that Kant also applies the distinction to Conduct, under the rubric of Pure Practical Reason, in which the latter provides a Form, of which individual agents are the Matter, and is Practical because, as he asserts, it has motivational power.  Thus, unlike that of his presumed successors, his version of Gestalt Psychology determines behavior, i. e. animates its possessor.  So, since Gestalt Psychology qua Practical influences behavior by integrating individual humans into a larger context, it is the immediate counter to Atomist Psychology, according to which behavior is sufficiently and uniquely determined by some internal Egoist principle.

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