Sunday, November 27, 2016

Evolutionism, Organism, Political Philosophy

The subject of the evolutionary process, according to the theory, is a Species, which, as is, is open to either a Platonist or a Nominalist interpretation, i. e. a unit or a multiplicity.  However, the apparent antithesis is simply, and appropriately, resolved, by conceiving a Species as an Organism, i. e. as a structured multiplicity.  Now, the structure of the members of most species is often plainly evident, e. g. the formation of birds in flight, and is easily attributable to an instinct.  In contrast, as is the case with many Human features, that instinct is somewhat deficient, forcing the race to construct its own structure, the process of which is commonly known as 'Political Philosophy'.  So, in other words, from the perspective of Evolutionism, any Political Philosophy the foundational unit of which is an individual person is fundamentally mis-conceived.

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