Friday, November 4, 2016

Division of Labor and Unity of Labor

The process of dividing presupposes that given is some entity that is unified in some respect.  Likewise, therefore, Division of Labor presupposes a Unity of Labor.  Now, Unity of Labor derives from the unity of the product of labor, e. g. a car.  But, at the same, the division of the  product, e. g. the parts of a car, determines the division of the productive process.  Thus, the concept of Division of Labor abstracts from the combination of the concept of it and the concept of Unity of Labor, or, in other words, from what can be called the concept of Organization of Labor.  Furthermore, prior to involvement in the Labor process, the parties to it are a formless manifold.  Thus, the Marxist analysis, according to which Division of Labor suffices to effect social fragmentation, abstracts from and simplifies a more complicated development.

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