Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Evolutionism, Monotheism, History

The best evidence suggests that there have been two main periods in human history.  First, given that the species is generally believed to have originated at a single location, and later achieved a worldwide presence, a diaspora constitutes an initial era.  Second, there has been a planetary solidification of those scattered humans, as tribes, as basic units of organization, have become cities, provinces, nations, continents, and, currently in progress, a cosmopolity.  Now, a significant factor in this second main period has been the emergence of Monotheism, which, because of the focus on what it entails regarding the nature of Deity, is sometimes under-appreciated as also entailing and effecting a unification of the race.  So, beyond the not insignificant question of the origin of the human species, Evolutionism and Monotheism are not in much disagreement about the general patterns of subsequent History.

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