Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Perspective and Reflection

From a position within a train, the perception of a train that remains constantly alongside it in itself gives no clue as to whether or not one's train is moving.  But, from a distance, that each train is moving, or not, can be perceived.  Likewise, one can increase Self-Knowledge by enlarging one's Perspective to include an initial focal point, e. g. from the perception of people walking around, to the perception that one is sitting on a bench watching people walk around, to the perception that one is sitting on a bench in the middle of a park watching people walk around, etc.  Now, the term for this mundane concrete enlargement of Perspective is 'Reflection', and the examples illustrate how Philosophers have mystified the concept over the centuries.  For some, Reflection arrives at an absolute position, while for others, it opens up an infinite empty regress. But each variety abstracts from concrete experience, and devalues Education, in which Reflection can enlarge Perspective, thereby increasing Self-Knowledge.

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