Sunday, March 13, 2016

Experimental Reason and Dialectical Materialism

Unlike Leibniz' deity, a Species is neither eternal, omniscient, nor omnipotent.  Rather, it is governed by a Will to Grow the success of which is not inevitable.  So, the pattern of its principle is Experimental Reason, e. g. a mutation is a failed attempt to increase complexity, i. e. to Evolve, unless the novelty is effectively integrated into the behavior of an organism.  Thus, Dialectical Materialism is erroneous in two respects.  First, it mis-attibutes Necessity to Growth.  Second, it does not reckon that a Species is subject to factors that are other than internal to it, e. g. even granting that Human history is determined by Class-Conflict, it is also subject to other Dialectics, such as that determining its relation to its environment.

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