Sunday, November 2, 2014

End, Justification, Socialism

The concept of an 'unjustified end', the possibility of which is alluded to by both Marx and Trotsky, as has been previously discussed, is problematic, since an End can be only self-justifying.  Now, available to a Marxist is the following justification of Socialism:  'Justice is self-justifying.  Socialism is a Just condition.  Therefore, Socialism is a justified End.'  But, while that argument is apparently no more than implicit in Marxist writings, it is sometimes rivaled by the more explicit:  'Socialism is the End of History.  Therefore it needs no further justification.'  However, this argument is unsound, since it confuses 'end', meaning 'stopping point', with 'end', meaning 'deliberate goal'.  So, the Marxist concept of History is unhelpful to a defense of its Socialist aims.

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