Monday, October 20, 2014

The Interests of Money-Lenders

A lowering of the Interest Rate by the U. S. Fed is usually designed to stimulate Economic activity by lowering the price of Money, with the possible beneficial general consequences of an increased investment in productivity, which would involve increased hiring, leading to more employee income, and, hence, to more spending on products, etc.  But, regardless of which set of consequences becomes actualized, one constant is the pivotal role of money-lenders, and of their interests, in the course of events, regardless of whether or not they are in the private sector, and regardless of their involvement in practices that tend to lead to a need for such stimulation.  So, an objection to that Fed action, either on the ground that the Government should not interfere in the 'Free Market', or because it only encourages past malfeasance, tends to accept that the centrality of that role.

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