Thursday, October 23, 2014

Capitalism, Cycle, Freedom

From its inception, Capitalism has been beset with rarely scrutinized systematic problems.  To begin  with, Smith never explains the relation between the promotion of Self-Interest that he promotes in Wealth of Nations, and the Universal Sympathy that he advocates, without any later retraction, in his earlier work. He also offers no derivation from his Humean premises of his cardinal concepts of 'Self' and 'Invisible Hand'.  Furthermore, the subsequent Capitalist concept of Cycle is problematic in two respects.  First, as is the case with the Invisible Hand, according to those Empiricist premises, it can never be more than an observed past conjunction, and, hence, contrary to common presumption, cannot be an immanent law.  Second, as a purported transcendent pattern, to which all Economic activity is naturally subject, a Cycle is Deterministic, and, hence, is antithetical to the concept of  'free' enterprise.  So, until rigorously addressed, these problems indicate that Capitalism is less a system than an arbitrary, no more than loosely coherent, set of practices, the beneficiality of which is, therefore, no more than contingent.

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