Sunday, July 27, 2014

Strength, Education, Affirmative Action

Since intellectual ones are among the powers of an Individual, the Education policy of the strongest society will involve all its members.  Accordingly, both sides of the contentious 'Affirmative Action' debate tend to accept the same unexamined premise.  For, at the highest-minded heart of the debate is whether or not an Inegalitarian solution to an Inegalitarian problem is itself just.  However, both sides, especially the con side of that proposition, tend to presuppose that Competition is the best Education principle.  Hence, each is vulnerable to the challenge that a policy that promotes the strengths of only half of its members is weaker than one that promotes the strengths of all.  In other words, the original Injustice is disadvantageous to not only those who are victimized, but to the society as a whole, a perspective that must inform the best solution.

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