Friday, May 20, 2011

Material Causality and Atomism

Previously argued was the methodological soundness of proposing Writing as an exemplary experience, thereby demonstrating that Material Causality is a primary principle of Experience. One main characteristic of Writing is the self-externalization of its author, which, if accepted as a fundamental component of Experience, implies significant challenges to some standard theories of Human Nature, notably to Atomism. The latter holds that Self-Preservation is the fundamental principle of an Individual, and that Selfishness is its primary psychological drive, with respect to which sociality, e. g. Political and Moral experience, is extrinsic, if not antagonistic. However, if an individual inherently seeks association with others, then it is by nature a Political and Moral entity, and the existence of others is an opportunity for growth, not a threat. Heidegger's concept Being-in-the-World, presumes to present a challenge to Atomism, until he classifies withdrawal from the World as 'authentic' experience. If he were to recognize Being-with-Others as not a fallen condition, but as an opportunity for growth, he could better appreciate that Growth is one of Dasein's ownmost possibilities, one which is as stifled by his ontologization of personal opacity as is Material Causality by the Atomistic tradition.

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