Sunday, March 13, 2011

Radiality, Elsewhere, Elsewhen

Previously here, the Spatial dimension of the Radial concept of Experience has been characterized as 'here-there'. However, since 'there' often connotes specific location, 'here-elsewhere' would be more accurate. Likewise, the Temporal dimension is, rather then 'now-then', more accurately, 'now elsewhen', though the Radial character of Temporality is less easy to appreciate than is that of Spatiality. Contributing to that under-appreciation is the tendency for even theories, e. g. Whitehead's, that do recognize a now-then relation between a mental representation and the physical event that it represents, to focus on a single localized event, thereby abstracting it from the constant infinite manifold of such events occurring pervasively at, e. g. the periphery of an organism. Even the simplest representation of one's situation is the product of an afferential concrescence of such a manifold, so, if any one event is a 'then' to the 'now' of the representation of it, then together they are an 'elsewhen' to the 'now' of the synthetic representation of them. So, to revise the previous formulation, the Radial concept of Experience is constituted by two fundamental dimensions--here-elsewhere and now-elsewhen.

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