Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiality--Afferential and Efferential

It is an established scientific fact that the source of a celestial twinkling is an event that can have occurred eons prior to the perception of it, and, hence, one the occurrence of which is not concurrent with a mosquito bite on the hand and the barking of a dog, even if the perceptions of which are simultaneous with the perception of it. It is in this respect that the perceptual field can be understood as an array of elsewhens. However, even Whitehead, who does appreciate this non-simultaneity, still conceives the array as an 'extensive' continuum, thereby contributing to the tradition for which it is a 'spatial' array. Such a concept does not recognize an entirely different experiential radiality--an efferential, centrifugal radiality, emanating out of a physical motion which is the source of eventual afferential, centripetal, perceptions of it. When he posits the potential efficient causality of the Superject, Whitehead does briefly catch glimpse of this other dimension of experience, however, he suppresses it when he proceeds to entertain the Superject only from a perceptual perspective. It is insofar as a motion radiates out from itself, i. e. spreads out, that it is efferential Radiality that is properly Spatial.

1 comment:

  1. The Inferential cycle between the two?

    Or is Aristotle's observer of Shroedinger's Cat uneccessary?
