Monday, July 6, 2009


That the Formal Principle and the Material Principle are the two fundamental ones means that everything is a combination of the two. That everything consists of a Form and a Matter is hardly a new proposal, but what each Principle is, and how they combine, seems to be. The traditional combination has Form being actively imposed on passive Matter. Here, in contrast, both are dynamic principles--Becoming-the-Same, and, Becoming-Diverse--that pre-suppose one another, but are in opposition to one another. Hence, every combination of them is a resultant dynamic tension, and the possibilities of combination are infinite. Every such combination is a 'System': for example, both a thing and an event are Systems, just as for Whitehead they are equally 'Processes'. Systems consist of sub-systems, and are themselves parts of super-systems. Any System can be part of more than one super-system, e. g. a person can be part of a family, and part of a work organization. There is not necessarily any limiting sub- or super-system. The 'uni-multiverse' would be a more accurate term than 'universe' for all that exists, as would 'God', so long as there is no implication of any ultimate finitude. And, just as human vision and hearing and limited in range, e. g. with respect to frequency and wave-length, the human system is limited in Systematic range. In other words, there can be an infinite number of actual worlds that are inaccessible to humans, which should not be confused with any Leibnizian/Modal Logic thesis about 'possible worlds', nor with the notion that each human has its own 'world'.

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