Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bergsonian Evolution

Another alternative to Darwinian Evolutionary theory, that enjoyed popularity in the early 20th century, is Bergson's. Bergson was a philosopher whose theory is typical of the vacillation between Monism and Dualism that I have previously discussed. There is both Spirit and Matter in his system, but in some places, he seems to treat them as separate substances, while in others, the latter is regarded as a degenerate version of the former. In either case, Spirit is accorded primacy. In his Evolutionary theory, which he terms 'Creative Evolution', his spiritual substance is called 'elan vital'. Elan vital is pure ascent, which leaves in its wake, so to speak, precipitated Matter that embodies the progressive development, and which accumulates as higher species appear. For example, opposing thumbs are the precipitated Material manifestation of elan vital as the latter proceeds beyond the stage of certain apes, added to the hands that have accreted from previous stages of ascent. From the perspective of Evolvement here, the analysis is contrary to Bergson's general commitments, because elan vital is thus a cause of Diversification, therefore qualifying as a Material Principle. Furthermore, he provides no explanantion of how the novel Matter, e. g. the opposing thumbs, gets integrated into the preceding system, e. g. the creature with thumbless hands. These are difficulties that are inherited from his earlier work on Duration, which I have previously touched upon, and which I will return to in a more methodical discussion of Space and Time.

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