Sunday, October 7, 2018

Profit-Motive and Cosmo-Economics

The primary target of Marxism in Capitalism is Exploitation, which is manifested in two ways--Private Property and Division of Labor, which Marx conceives as identical.  However, Private Property is exploitative only if it is income-generating, and, while his example of Husband-Wife Division of Labor might be exploitative, the male-female Division of Labor in the reproductive process is a vital necessity.  Instead, at the root of Capitalist Exploitation is the Profit-Motive, an anomalous, groundless, inessential feature of Smith's concrete system, as has been previously discussed, that Aristotle classifies as Chrematistic, symbolized by Midas.  Accordingly, one of the first tasks of a transition to a Cosmo-Economics is the elimination of the Profit-Motive, rather than concocting some combination of Capitalism and Socialism, as is typical of most advanced Economic systems currently.  For, the entailment by the Profit-Motive of inter-person dissociation has no place in an Organicist concept such as Cosmo-Economics.  Given how deeply entrenched the acceptance of the Profit-Motive has become as either a descriptive or a normative principle, that is no easy task.

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