Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Gestaltism and Cosmo-Economics

The Figure-Ground concept of Gestaltism is useful to Holism, since it can ground the compossibility of Part and Whole in a single Experience, i. e. as foreground to background, e. g. the selective perception of a tree from its forest.  It thus offers an effective argument against Atomism, according to which subsistent Individual entities are given as such.  For example, it provides a reminder that the Sense-Datum that is the foundation of many Empiricisms is arrived at by a process of isolation from a whole experiential background, not discovered as such.  Likewise, the Individual person, including oneself, is given against a backdrop of a society, if not the entire species.  For example, the Cartesian I is the product of not only a series of doubtings, but of the isolation of a room in a building full of other people, etc., the abstraction from which precedes his settling into his chair.  It is similarly applicable to the previously discussed implicit critique of Egoism by Utilitarianism--that self-interested pursuit occurs against a background of General Happiness that gets obscured in the process.  Hence, Gestaltism can be useful in the transition from a Nationalist- to a Cosmo-Economics, in which one's economic activities are conceived by one as part of a global network of production, exchange, etc.

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