Monday, December 4, 2017

Organism, Ecologism, Supernaturalism

Heliocentrism entails the end of Geocentrism, which entails the end of Anthropocentrism.  Arising out of Heliocentrism has been Ecologism, the first significant systematic recognition of which has been Darwinism, which imbeds Human History in Natural History.  Plato's World-Soul is potentially Ecologic, but he does not pursue the consequences of a Philosopher-King, on the basis of a vision of the Idea of the Good, including Human-Environment relations in his project of harmonization.  Now, the formidable resistance to Ecology has been varieties of Supernaturalism, according to which Humans are fundamentally separable from any Ecosystem.  One example of that resistance is Leibniz' Monadology, according to which a Monad is essentially unaffected by its environment.  In contrast, Whitehead does allow that an Organism is a product of its Environment.  But, by excluding from Actuality any process of modification by an Organism of its Environment, he, implicitly, even if not completely, continues the Supernaturalist resistance to Ecologism.

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