Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Independent Will, Techne, and Goodness

If a child who is trying to prepare a meal on their own burns the food, they are considered to be still dependent on an adult to accomplish that task.  Similarly, if, in order to resolve a dispute, someone shoots someone else, they might have the skill to use the weapon on their own, but not the know-how to adequate resolve the dispute on their own.  In other words, Evil behavior lacks Independence and Techne, contrary to the analysis of a long tradition.  Thus, in particular, if Kant segregates Technical Reason from Pure Practical Reason and Autonomous Will, on the grounds that the latter are inherently Good, while the former is not, it is at least because, at minimum, his concept of Techne is underdeveloped, and further, possibly continues the hostility to it that originates in the standard interpretation of Genesis 3.

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