Friday, December 30, 2016

Instinct, Techne, Eugenics

Corresponding to the Nature vs. Artifaction contrast is that of Instinct vs. Techne.  Accordingly, whether or not Technology is conceived as inherently corrupt depends on whether or not Nature connotes 'divinely created'.  For example, according to one myth, the Promethean, Techne is stolen from the gods, but enhances human life.  However, according to another, the acquisition of Techne by Adam and Eve is an act of disobeying a deity, as a result of which, reliance on Technology is the defining characteristic of a 'fallen' condition.  Now, while in the former myth, the primary content of Techne is fire, in the latter it is the reproduction of life.  Thus, whether or not Artifactual Human Eugenics is 'evil' depends on the concept of Nature that is presupposed.

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