Monday, March 16, 2015

Selfishness, Freedom, Capitalism

According to what is probably the predominant Psychological model, Selfishness is instinctive in humans, and, where it is conceived as not innate, it is posited as inculcated at a very early age. In either case, in ordinary experience, while there might be a 'freedom' to calculate between alternative means to selfish ends, e. g. the more profitable of two investments, that end itself is not freely chosen. Thus, there is no inherent systematic relation between Selfishness and Freedom. Hence, neither Smith's advocacy of Self-Interest, i. e. as a means to the wealth of a nation, nor the more recent shift of emphasis in Capitalism, from collective wealth to personal wealth, entails Freedom, regardless of the familiar trumpeting to the contrary that is a staple of contemporary Political rhetoric.

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