Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Experience, Extending, Retaining

As previously proposed, the basic rhythm of Experience is Extending-Retaining. So, the concepts of Leibniz, Bergson, Whitehead, and Deleuze, share the inadequacy that, each, in its own way, does not recognize the Extending phase of experience. Leibniz' Monad always remains in itself. For Bergson, disembodied intuited Duration includes no datum beyond the most recently given. Likewise, for Whitehead, Concrescence terminates in internal satisfaction. And, Deleuze privileges contraction, folding, and intensity, with respect to which expansion, unfolding, and extensity, are, at best, derivative and subordinate. Even his earlier seeming commitment to a concept of open subjectivity eventuates in, as he affirms at the end of his Leibniz book, his Nomad remaining within a closed Monadic locus. Hence, none of these can fully appreciate the basic Extending-Retaining rhythm of Experience--doing; awareness of that doing; subsequent further doing; etc.

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