Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eternal Recurrence, Circularity, Linearity

A serious flaw in the concept of Eternal Recurrence as a cosmological doctrine is that it entails as fact a component that is nowhere in evidence. The concept is construed as a linear course of events attaining cyclicity, but neither personal biography, human history, nor natural phenomena evinces such one-dimensional sequentiality, except as the product of abstraction and simplification. Accordingly, the only efficacy of the concept as an Ethical or Psychological doctrine, as becomes clear from Nietzsche's treatment, is derived from the inescapable repeatability of specific experiences, not from the cyclicity of their totality. Hence, if the concept qua circular has had any meaningful exemplification, it has been as an Aesthetic paradigm. Two notable illustrations of such Circularity have been Finnegan's Wake and Ascending and Descending. The Circularity of the former is to be distinguished from that of Ulysses--while Ulysses only represents it, i. e. a 24-hour cycle, the Finnegan's Wake exemplifies it, by ending where it begins. As is the case with Escher's print, its Circularity entails Linearity, i. e. the sequentiality of its sentences, and Escher's single-file of ascenders and descenders, attains cyclicity.

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