Friday, November 19, 2010

Bergson--Intuition, Duration, Elan Vital

In Bergson's system, Elan Vital is the immanent creative process, Duration is the continuity of that process, and Intuition is the means by which Duration or Elan Vital is experienced. Furthermore, since he also characterizes Intuition as a reflective process, what is intuited must be in the subject. Now, the cognition of Duration is possible only via a detached, fixed perspective. On the other hand, there are no grounds for assuming the existence of unintuited inner Elan Vital, which means that there are no grounds for positing that Intuition is detached from inner Duration. Hence, Intuition must be somehow implicated in inner Elan Vital, though, since the latter is the primary principle of all processes, Intuition cannot be its source. Intuition may thus be the Formal Cause of inner Elan Vital, i. e. the guide and shaping of the process, and, hence, the source of the unity of inner Duration. On this analysis, any relation of Intuition to external Elan Vital can only be mediated. More generally, as is arguably the case with Spinoza, the continuity of experience, for Bergson, seems to be not a sometimes revealed given, but actively created.

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