Friday, April 16, 2010

Play and Spectating

While Play is Idionomic activity, one of its frequent concomitants is generally not. The spectating of Play, notably the audiences of the Arts or of Sports, is primarily social homogenization, sometimes socially constructive, with Individuation an only occasional further development. Dancing to Music, someone inspired by an Artist or athlete to pursue cultivation of their own talents, even 'the wave' at sporting events, are examples of Playful responses to Play spectacles. Criticism can be understood as expressive of the ambivalent nature of Play-spectating, for example, the Aesthetic Judgement theories of Kant and Alexander, which combine subjective and universalistic elements--the subjective elements are the Idionomic dimension of Play-spectating, while the criterion of universality is its socially homogenizing component. So, depending on content and circumstances, Play can either promote Evolvement, or reinforce the status quo, as notably Adorno discusses. When the content of Play functions primarily as a social palliative, e. g. the 'sitcom', it is often classified as 'entertainment', and when Play is controlled by mercenary interests, it is often classified as 'show business'. That Sports is sometimes categorized as 'show business' expresses not another further similarity between Art and Games qua Play, but qua commodity.

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