Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Manumorphism and Evolution

As has been previously discussed, the prototype of the bearer of attributes--the discrete solid thing--is an object enclosed in a grasping hand, and, thus, originates as neither a sense datum, a manifold of sense data, nor a thought.  Now, insofar as Knowledge is conceived as an essentially incorporeal process, that physical activity is Epistemologically irrelevant.  However, insofar as Knowledge is conceived as constituted by some Mind-Body correlation, e. g. Spinoza's concept, the significance of Manumorphism is profound.  For, if, as Darwin holds, the distinctive feature of the Human species is the versatility of the thumb, and, hence, of manual grasp, then, given a Mind-Body correlation, the increased complexity of the Human Mind is an Evolutionary development corresponding to that physiological emergence.

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