Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Simultaneity, Concurrence, Species

It might seem to follow that on the premise of a Species-principle governing all Human activity, events are ultimately Concurrent, even if they superficially appear as merely Simultaneous.  However, that conclusion precludes either the possibility of a Species-principle akin to Lucretian Swerve, i. e. an active deviation from order, or that the principle is underdetermined, requiring, as is the case in much of the adaptation of the Species, supplementation via artifactual organization, e. g. a political system.  The premise also includes the possibility of one of the rarely acknowledged implications of Darwinism: the co-existence of members of a Species, and erstwhile members who have become among those governed by the ongoing, possibly taking thousands of years, origination of a new Species. So, if that is the case with the Human species, then a bifurcation into mere Simultaneity is determined by the principle.

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