Monday, September 5, 2016

Technocracy and Social Engineering

Like that of Technology, some of the hostility to Technocracy is rooted in an antagonism to Techne that is expressed in fundamental cultural myths, e. g. that of Prometheus, and that of Adam and Eve.  Typical of those myths is that Techne constitutes a straying of humans from some higher order, e. g. some deity, or divinized 'Nature'.  So, entailed in those expressions of antagonism is the existence of a higher order, or, conversely, absent that premise, any implication that Techne, and its modes, is inherently malign is groundless.  Consequently, if there is any ill in Technocracy, it is only contingent and particular, not necessary and general.  Thus, for example, if busing is ineffective as a remedy for racial bigotry, it is not because it is "social engineering" that is a violation of some higher order segregation, as some seem to conceive it.

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