Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dialectic, Complement, Negation

Marx derives his concept of Dialectical Materialism via an inversion of Hegel's system. However, an alternative derivation, adhering to his "Material Method", i. e. via concrete observation, is also possible. On the basis, the immediate object of observation is the reproductive process, constituted by components that are in a complementary relation. Now, the Negation of A is simply everything that is not A, which in a finite context, is the Complement of A. Accordingly, an antagonism between A and not-A can be analyzed as a dysfunctional Complementarity, to be corrected by the repair or replacement of inadequate factors. Thus, for example, in Capitalism, the inadequate factor is the Invisible Hand, the presumed integrative force in the system, and, which, judged to be irreparable, can be replaced by the abolition of Private Property, thereby instituting the Complementarity of its parts. So, in a more methodically consistent derivation, Negation and Totality are revealed to be equivalent, unlike in the neo-Hegelian Dialectic, as has been previously discussed.

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