Thursday, April 23, 2015

Growth, Health, Profit-Seeking, Greed

A familiar example of natural increase is Growth, so, perhaps Profit-Seeking can be interpreted as a mode of personal Growth. Now, one of the characteristics of Growth is that it is a wholistic process, i. e. that the integrity of an organism is maintained in the course of enlargement. Accordingly, Profit-Seeking can be a process that is internal to a Self only insofar as its integrity is maintained, which is a criterion of Eudaimonism, rather than of mere Egoism. But, if so, then it is a mode of personal Growth only insofar as, unlike cancer cells, it is not an increase distinct from other organic processes, i. e. is not at the expense of Health. So, the proposition that Profit-Seeking is an end-in-itself is difficult to validate, or, equivalently, Greed is not Good, contrary to what some contemporary Capitalists assert.

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