Friday, December 19, 2014

Shopping and Semi-Rationality

Since, on his own analysis, Spinoza's concept of Inadequate Causality combines autonomous and heteronomous factors, it might be more accurately termed 'partially adequate causality'.  Likewise, since Adequate Causality in his system is equivalent to Sufficient Reason, the corresponding deficiency can be characterized as 'Semi-Rationality', rather than as 'Irrationality'.  Thus, on that basis, Hume's concept of Reason as a "slave of the passions", is semi-rational.  Similarly, any purchase of a non-vital good, i. e. of neither Essential nor Surplus Utility, as previously defined here, can be classified as Semi-Rational, insofar as it combines impulse and calculation, e. g. most of what usually constitutes Shopping.  Hence, most contemporary variations of a Capitalist model conflate Rational conduct and Semi-Rational behavior, a shortcoming in either a Descriptive theory or a Normative/Prescriptive doctrine.

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