Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time and Sameness

Just as Spatialization is a mode of Differentiation, as has been previously discussed, Temporalization is a mode of what might be called 'Identication', i. e. 'becoming-the-same'. While an association of Time and Sameness might seem counter-intuitive, it is the association of Time and Difference, implicit both in common notions and in specialized theories of the former, that is counter-intuitive. The association of Time and Difference relies heavily on a thesis that has, challenged here--that the Future is a fundamental Temporal feature. Acceptance of that thesis grounds both the common connotation of Time as ceaseless change, and Time as 'self-ecstaticing', as Heidegger and Sartre have it, grounding, therefore, in each case, the notion of Time as essentially self-varying. In contrast, the theory of Time as ending at the present moment, that has been proposed here, accords with the most patent evidence of everyday experience. On that basis, that Consciousness consists in a process of representation that both Temporalizes and appropriates as one's own, the object of representation, even that of the projection of a possible action, becomes easier to conceive, e. g. for Kant 'my' representations are each part of the temporal sequence of experience. In other words, Temporalization is a mode of Identication, in the context of personal experience.

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