Monday, May 17, 2010

Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy

One repeated image in the Investigations, one that has inspired Rorty to classify Wittgenstein as repudiating the concept of Philosophy as a 'mirror of nature', is the notion of Philosophy as Therapy--the treatment of intellectual confusion caused by bewitchment by language, terminating in the attainment of Clarity. But the image itself terminates in the attainment of Clarity. For, while physicians can offer objective criteria for Health, e. g. blood-pressure rate and cholesterol level, Wittgenstein seems to regard his use of intellectual Clarity as a criterion of Health to be self-justifying. Furthermore, physicians do not merely cure disease, they also prescribe regimens for the promotion of Health. In contrast, activities such as prescribing conduct, constructing buildings, and inventing games seem to lack Philosophical significance for Wittgenstein, for whom the Philosophical language-game seems to consist exclusively in descriptive activities. Hence, Rorty's inclusion of Wittgenstein with other anti-Representationalists is puzzling. While their Philosophies prescribe, construct, or invent, Wittgenstein's 'Therapy' amounts to nothing more than mirror-cleaning.

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