Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's It All About?

It's about expanding horizons, and maybe more. What follows will be an informal, piecemeal presentation of what I elsewhere construct more technically and systematically, plus anything else relevant that might crop up. 'Expanding horizons' is to me a casual, familiar version of a notion that is greatly significant and fruitful. We all know roughly what it means--the surpassing of what had been previous limitations, with the possible re-establishment of new, broader ones. And, most, if not all, of us likely regard what is therein involved as a positive development. But, it is generally regarded as a peripheral phenomenon in our daily affairs, so it seems to be rarely, when at all, entertained as anything other than the vague referent of a catchy phrase suggesting a pleasant digression from the serious business of life. Likewise, it might be expected that writings under this rubric would be no more than idle whimsy. However, even if it doesn't always seem that way, dead seriousness will express what I take to be the profound significance of the topic. What is at issue is my taking exception to a deeply-ingrained prevalently-held set of presumptions as to what it is all about. Hopefully, I can make why I feel that way comprehensible, if not persuasive.

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